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Do You Have an Attractive Nuisance? Why It Matters for Insurance

June 26, 2023

Homeowners insurance is designed to protect not only your house but also the belongings in it. And for the most part, the insurer is just concerned with the value of that property in case it needs repaired or replaced.

However, there is a special class of property which insurers have much different interests in. These parts of your home—known as attractive nuisances—may raise your rates or even result in trouble getting insured. Here's what you need to know about them. 

What Is an Attractive Nuisance?

The term attractive nuisance refers to an item on a piece of real estate which is more likely to draw in children and other vulnerable persons. This is why they are termed as being attractive—they're likely to attract little ones. However, these items are also nuisances because they present a higher risk of injury to those same children. 

One of the most common attractive nuisances is a swimming pool. It's easy to see how children and vulnerable people could easily be drawn to the yard with a pool and get injured or even die. Extra steps must be taken to protect these individuals. 

Why Are Attractive Nuisances Insured Differently?

So, why does an attractive nuisance matter to your insurance company? The simple answer is that it increases potential financial liability rather significantly. The insurer of the home with a swimming pool has much more risk of a big insurance payout versus the home next door with no pool. 

In addition, children and the vulnerable are not legally expected to exercise the same level of reasonable caution as an average adult. The homeowner and their insurer may not be held liable for negligence if a neighbor hops into their pool while they're on vacation, but the same is not true if the neighbor's child does so. The child is not always expected to know better or act defensively. 

What Are Some Attractive Nuisances?

As mentioned, swimming pools and hot tubs are some of the most common attractive nuisances. But they are not the only ones. Other yard elements that may qualify include things like:

  • Tree houses 
  • Nonworking vehicles
  • Construction zones
  • Trampolines
  • Old appliances
  • Playground equipment
  • Yard water features
  • Zip lines
  • Weapons

Each insurer has their own policies regarding some or all of these, so never assume that how one handles it determines how others will. 

How Can You Minimize Insurance Problems?

There are a few steps any homeowner can take to protect themselves and others. The first is to get rid of attractive nuisances which you don't need. Take old cars or appliances to the junkyard and pocket the money. Clean up half-completed yard projects and put away all your tools. Lock weapons in a proper safe. Remove your child's old, unused playground. 

Next, learn about insurers' coverage for attractive nuisances which you plan to keep. If your heart is set on a tree house, pool, or spa, be upfront about its presence on your property. Talk with your agent about how it may affect coverage. You may simply need to budget for a higher premium or the pool of insurers may be somewhat different. However hiding it could result in a huge problem if something happens. 

Finally, take steps to reduce the risk. Install an appropriate pool fence that exceeds safety standards. Install motion sensors and cameras to alert you to kids on your property. Put that old car in the garage. Or create a safety lock for your backyard zip line. These steps may reduce your insurance premiums. 

Do you have an attractive nuisance? Planning to add one? If so, learn more about how it may affect your homeowners coverage. Meet with Clover Insurance today to learn more. No matter what your insurance challenges, we're here to help you solve them. 

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