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A Guide to SR-22 Insurance for Drivers

February 15, 2023

All motorists require car insurance to compensate third parties for injuries and damages in case of accidents. However, some motorists require SR-22 certificates as car insurance. Below is an overview of SR-22 insurance.

What Is SR-22 Insurance?

People refer to SR-22 as insurance, but it is not an insurance policy in the term's traditional meaning. Rather, SR-22 is a certificate proving that your auto insurance policy includes adequate liability coverage. You need to produce the document upon demand by the relevant authorities.

Some states, but not all, require SR-22 insurance for drivers with specific driving history. The rationale is that these drivers are more likely to cause an accident than an average driver. A driver without adequate insurance coverage can cost accident victims a lot of money if the driver doesn't have insurance coverage.

SR-22 insurance certificates come in various types.


Like the title says, you need an owner SR-22 if you own a car, the car is in your name, and you have insurance for the car. The SR-22 proves all this information to the authorities. Note that an owner SR-22 only protects the owner of the car and not others who may drive the car.


You don't need to own a car to buy car insurance. Similarly, you don't need car ownership to buy an SR-22 certificate. You can drive a car, and you need insurance whenever you are behind the wheel, regardless of the car's ownership. A non-owner SR-22 certifies that you have adequate liability coverage and need it whenever you drive a car you don't own.


Say you own a car and need an SR-22 certificate to drive, but you are also likely to drive cars you don't own. Get an SR-22 certificate that covers you irrespective of the car you drive.

Who Needs SR-22 Insurance?

The government requires an SR-22 certificate from anyone whose driving history might show irresponsible behavior. Below are some behaviors that might trigger the SR-22 requirement.

Driving Without a License

The government requires everyone to have a driving license before driving. The driving license certifies that you know how to drive safely. Who knows whether you are a dangerous driver if you are behind the wheel without a license? Thus, the authorities might order you to get SR-22 if they catch you driving without a license.

Driving Without Insurance

Anyone can cause an auto accident — even an experienced driver. For example, your car might fail and crash into other road users. The government requires liability insurance for all drivers due to this inherent risk of driving. Thus, a conviction of driving without insurance usually triggers an SR-22 certificate requirement.

Driving Under the Influence

The authorities can also order you to get an SR-22 certificate if they catch you driving under the influence of substances, such as alcohol. A DUI is risky since intoxicating substances impair judgment, reduce reaction time, and interfere with hand-eye coordination.

Incurring Multiple Traffic Offenses

A single traffic offense might not trigger an SR-22 certificate requirement. However, every additional traffic offense moves you closer to the requirement. The rationale is that a single traffic offense might be unfortunate, but multiple offenses show risky behavior.

How Can You Get an SR-22 Certificate?

Getting an SR-22 certificate is relatively easy. First, inform your insurance carrier that the government requires you to have the certificate. You have to buy insurance coverage if you don't have one.

The insurance company will apply for the certificate on your behalf at a fee. After processing the certificate, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will forward it to you via paper or electronic mail. Many places require you to get a new SR-22 certificate when you change insurance companies, but you still need to carry the certificate.

Clover Insurance Agency has over 40 years of experience in the insurance industry. Contact us if you need to file for SR-22 or purchase auto and home insurance. Rely on our expertise and experience to get you adequate insurance coverage at affordable rates.

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